Welcomed Co™ is partnering with PUSH Product Design and Whitney Brown Interior Design to create its first product. Cristina Casanova Might (Welcomed Co™), Lloyd Cooper and Foster Phillips (PUSH Product Design), and Whitney Brown (Whitney Brown Interior Design) along with a team of designers met at the home of Anne and Betsy Pringle to view Betsy’s bedroom.
"I would love for you all to meet my awesome 13-year-old friend, Betsy Pringle, and her mom, Anne," said Cristina prior to the meeting. "You can see her bedroom, their house, and by combining everyone's expertise, I think we can redesign her entire room. "
The Pringles have generously agreed to let Welcomed Co™ film and photograph the process, as well as be interviewed.
Betsy, 13, has muscular dystrophy and is currently sleeping on a non-medical bed due to aesthetics and the desire for normalcy. Betsy’s list of priorities includes “hiding” her breathing-assist equipment, and the ability to reach objects–pens, iPad, books, Girl Scout cookies, etc.–on her own.
Ultimately, Betsy wants a room she won’t feel embarrassed to show her friends. This begs the question: Why should consumers sacrifice beauty and function when they need products for special applications? If anything, these aspirational values should be even more present in products that are used by the most important people in our lives.
Can we make a product that Betsy isn’t embarrassed to have in her room but is the first thing she shows her friends when they come over to visit? Can we make a product for Betsy that can be used by anyone?
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs guides us in this process. Our products should be designed to provide for the entire range of needs–from supporting foundational physical needs all the way to the aspirational.
At the base level are the physiological needs followed by the need for safety. These needs are met by Betsy’s family and community.
Welcomed Co™ the designers from PUSH Product Design, and Whitney Brown come in at the loving and belonging stage. With input from Betsy, the team has decided to makeover her room from top to bottom. They will create “Betsy’s Suite.” She will decide on the color scheme, fabrics, wallpaper, etc. The team will also create a movable product that will give her easy access to the things she wants and needs. The primary goal here is to place “cool things” Betsy likes close at hand, but create hidden compartments to house medical/special needs items.
Creating a room with Betsy’s input–with her vision–allows her to feel heard, improves her self-esteem, and gives her the confidence to invite her friends to a room that might look like theirs.
“Betsy is excited to have a space she’s comfortable in and accommodating to her needs, “said Anne Pringle, Betsy’s mom. “She can’t believe it's all for her.”
All involved hope to optimize Betsy's ability to live her best life by herself, with her family, and with others and to instill components of love, belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization into her room.
“Betsy is honored to be a part of this process and hopes it helps other people, “ adds Anne Pringle
Stay tuned for more about “Betsy’s Suite.”
Photo: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs & Victoria Might and Betsy Pringle
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