Join us in the month of October as we discuss ways to make Halloween an enjoyable experience for all!
One of the most exciting things about Halloween is dressing up! You can be a superhero, a cartoon or movie character, something make-believe, something spooky, or just look different altogether! But for individuals with disabilities, some costumes may not elicit much excitement.
Sometimes a typical costume may not work. If your child uses a wheelchair, has sensory issues, or uses a catheter or incontinence products, costumes that are comfortable may be hard to find. So what can you do? Below are some ideas for how to dress up for Halloween:
The number one priority should be comfort. Plan their costume (and your Halloween) with comfort in mind. If they’re not comfortable, they won’t have fun. And Halloween should be fun!
“Trick or treaters sitting on a curb” by FatCamera
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